New workbook

Ditch Diets Forever Mindful Eating Workbook

Hello and Welcome to NBbodies

I am so excited that you'll be joing me for my week long workshop on Mindful Eating. It is such a powerful tool and can change the way you look at food. Kiss the yo-yo diet away FOREVER.

Sign up Today

Please sign up today, and mark the days and times on your calnadar. I will be going live in my hot and flashy facebook group December 14th-December 18th at 7pm. Not only will you be receiving a ton of valuable information but I am also going to be providing group coaching and personal coaching to maximize your success! Remeber to join my Hot and Flashy group because that's where it's all happening!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Here is what we will be covering each day:

    Day 1: What is Mindful Eating and why is it the key to your success

    Day 2: Why Mindful eating rules over dieting

    Day 3: The dirty little trick your mind plays on you

    Day 4: How to avoid the pitfalls

    Day 5: Six steps you can do today!

    Day 6: Your Road Map to Success

    Day 7: Techniques That Work

    Day 8: Appreciate Your Body/Stop Binge Eating

    Day 9: Next Steps